I started this soon after I met and married Staff Sergeant Indiana. I'm a writer by nature and I needed some place to put it all out there after he deployed and this is the place! So, my blog holds the good, the bad and the sometimes worse; welcome to my little world!
התנגדות על צוואה בבית משפט
התנגדות על צוואה בבית משפטנכסים מתארת את העברת זכויות על זכויות מנפטר
ליורשיו החוקיים על פי חוק . הליך זה טומן בחובו שלבים פורמליים שנועדו
ללהבטיח שהעברת...
tips cepat hamil setelah keguguran
Keguguran merupakan salah satu cobaan yang paling terberat yang di terima
oleh wanita. Karena sejatinya calon jabang bayi idaman anda telah ada di
What are the best vr apps for iphone_
Virtual reality technology is progressing faster than we expected. With
each passing day, hundreds of new VR apps are added to the app store (both
for An...
A Thank you......
So I have to say that blogging has not been on my mind in so long I can't
remember the last time I logged into this account to even look at it....and
that ...
Poll: Photography Pricing Question
Popping in for a quick poll question for my readers (if you guys are still
out there). I'm still in the process of starting my photography business.
My que...
The M Word launches
In case it hasn't been obvious from my year-long silence here, I have
stopped blogging on this site. But I'm still around, just moved to a
different locati...
Staying at Home with a Stinker
Since Porter was born, I have been a stay at home mom. Prior to his birth,
I worked as a Title I Para at an elementary school. When I went on
maternity lea...
Out of the shadows
Hello there last and final reader that I'm hoping is still out there
somewhere. Ok, so you probably aren't a "reader" per-se since there has
been nothing ...
What do you get when...?
What do you get when you throw a party with a bunch of military spouses, a
phallic shaped cake or two, and some champagne and Shiraz? You get one heck
of a...
an impromptu trip into the city!
last Saturday, friend Megan and I had a delicious lunch at PF Chang's in
Edgewater. We were in such good spirits, that after the meal {and perhaps
Was it you?
The winner of the Christmas cards giveaway courtesy of the awesomely
awesome Tiny Prints is.....
Congrats and because this is a giveaway that is...
August 09
C gets back on the plane..and goes back to Iraq for another 3 months. Snap
back to my day to day life. I kept busy and focused on Gracie and what ...
Good morning, Saturday.
UGG Kensington boots--yes, please.
Online shoe shopping, virtual trekking with Bear Grylls, and soon I'll
venture to the farmers market for apples and peac...
Quick Post
This week will be a light blogging week. My friends from England are here
visiting and we have a very busy week planned. This includes lots of
shopping and...
Blog move
So, after all my hard work to get this site lookin' pretty, I was swept
away by wordpress. Mostly by it's better ability to showcase pictures,
which I find...
Gorgeous. I just took a deep breath and felt some of the tension leave my neck. (Is there something in the air? I just spent five hours unpacking and sorting all of E's too-big clothes, and thoroughly reorganizing the garage. . . .)
Where is this?! I love it...
Good luck cleaning!
Gorgeous. I just took a deep breath and felt some of the tension leave my neck. (Is there something in the air? I just spent five hours unpacking and sorting all of E's too-big clothes, and thoroughly reorganizing the garage. . . .)
That looks like a great place. Where is it?
Would you come clean mine too??
That looks awesome! So nice...
So pretty! Looks like a painting!
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