Here's how my days go lately:
9:12am: Yay! It is officially a new day! I cross a day off the calendar and stand back to admire this incredible improvement to its design.
10:45am: Absorbed in reading the articles at, time passes by quickly as I either cheer or boo the screen.
12:03pm: Yay! The day is half over. But no, I remember that the afternoon drags on indefinitely.
3:29pm: Listlessly wandering around the house, unable to focus on reading or cleaning or eating or any other activity. But it's almost four o'clock!! Soon it will be evening!
6:32pm: Thank goodness! Soon it will be dark and the day will be over.
8:45pm: The day is over!! Let me count the days for the zillionth time...
12:04am: It's the next day!!! Oh joy!! Now please, for the love of Pete, can I fall asleep now?
Rinse and repeat, for the past week and for several more days left to go.
People who say that the very end of deployment is one of the worst stages are absolutely right.
Oh my goodness, look at the time!! It's already 1:30pm!! Yay!!
התנגדות על צוואה בבית משפט
התנגדות על צוואה בבית משפטנכסים מתארת את העברת זכויות על זכויות מנפטר
ליורשיו החוקיים על פי חוק . הליך זה טומן בחובו שלבים פורמליים שנועדו
ללהבטיח שהעברת...
3 months ago
He is comming home,hes done his time...Ive been singing- Tie A Yellow Ribbon-for the past week.One day one minute and one secound at a time!Its been a long time for both of you!Cant wait until his safe return home!!!!LOVE Indiana MOM.
He'll be home soon! You're another day closer!
OMG so if you throw in change diapers, yell and feed kids our days would be THE EXACT SAME! I feel your pain lady!!!
HAHA! I misspelled Soldier last night!!! I always abbreviate! SGT is sergeant in my book becuase I always spell that stupid word wrong!
My masterpeice said "Welcome Home Soldier (spelled correctly HAHA), Prepare to be Debreifed" But Debreifed was De-(pair of white tighties)-ed... LOL
My days seem to drag on and Sean isn't even deployed, so I feel your pain on that.
I can't wait until you have him home again.
Hey it's almost 4 p.m. here! Nearly evening soon!
Hee hee!
I'm dying to read your "He's Home!!" post.
Is he home or what?!?!
I'm dying here!
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